Killer Mike
Kila-V(Killer Verse/Kill A Verse/Kila-Verse)
The name came to mind when I was thinking of a stage name for myself...
I had previous names such as Salsa/Tostitos and RAG..WacK!
Kila-V came to me when I was thinking about how I wanted to define myself as an artist.
The name represents - in every song a "Verse" is "Killed" Also meaning there is a CraZy Verse in the song that defines the song..
The name was spelled with one "L" in "Kila" to represent originality, flavor, and simply bcuZ I don't Kill anyone..BUT THE VERSE!!!
As for Jay and K.Mike...Jay-Z is my Favorite rapper and Killer Mike was someone I heard often CuZ he was featured on a ton of OutKast songs..
OutKast being one of my favorite music groups...also
"Flip Flop Rock" featuring Jay-Z & Killer Mike was my favorite track at the time..
(OutKast's - Speakerboxxx/The Love Below album)
I soon realized after I invented my name that Jay-Z & Killer Mike clearly had an impact on my word choice haha
But was completly unintentional! WeiRd huh!