



Western Conference Finals -
1.LA Lakers vs. 2.Denver Nuggets

Eastern Conference Finals -
1.Cleveland Cavaliers vs. 3.Orlando Magic

------------------------------------Kila-V's Predictions--------------------------

Win's For..

LAKERS - Despite there struggle againts the Rockets I believe LA will bounce back and come on very strong right away in the series. Altho the matchups are intresting there is few that could slow Kobe down and Denver doesn't have anyone to matchup againts him. Chauncey Billups will do his part to keep the Nuggets in the series. The series might go to 7 but LA will pull out victorious! (By the way..Carmelo Anthony IS NOT the best scorer..CHARLES BARKLEY! haha)

CAVALIERS - Even tho im a big MAGIC fan..LEBRON will dominate once again and cruise to the CHAMPIONSHIP loosing a game or two in the Conference Finals.

LeaVe ur Predictions!!



*Adam Lambert*

*Kris Allen*

As a long time American Idol Fan..
I'm excited to watch the FINALE tonight!!
Two Great Singers in Kris & Adam..
I'm going with Adam Lambert to win it all!
He's got soo much range, and the fans Love Em!

OOO, and I pick Kila-V to win American Idol NEXT YEAR!! Maybe.. =)



  1. you're right on both except woah woahh Lakers- Nuggets going 7? too far, if the nuggets get lucky it'll go 5.. mayyybe

  2. Lakers in 5, Cavs in 6.

    Adam has mad range but he's too umm... "Cabaret" sounding. I want Kris to win, his version of "she works hard for the money," was my favorite performance of the saeson.

  3. lakers vs. nuggets..... great series- kobe and phil better get pau and d fish and bynum playing again because if they play the way they did against a beat up d league level rocket team they are in real trouble. The nuggets are way better than the rockets billups is great down the stretch and the Denver bench is terrific great series lakers do come away victorious but itll take at least six and there will be no blow outs

    magic- cavs..... well there will be no sweep- in fact the cavs will be in for it dwight is great (when he gets the ball idiot van gundy) turkolu( however u spell that ish) is extremely underated (pizza is a good pre game meal)......... but lebron and the BEST supporting cast in the league pull through

  4. I still say Chauncey is going to pull it out. The only reason he might not is because of age. But honestly in their prime, I'd choose Chanucey over Kobe for my team. Who needs a head case?

    Agreed about LeBron. It is his time.

    -------- MC Physics


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