
NBA FINALS!!!!!!!!!!!





The Lakers might not have the most success inside!

Will the Magic stop his desire for another ring?



Andrew Bynum vs Dwight Howard
Although Bynum is taller Dwight is much bigger and stronger..Dwight might dominate but not consistently in every game like his previous playoff games this year..I still pick Dwight to be favored in this matchup!

Trevor Ariza vs Hedo Turkoglu
I believe this is the most important matchup! Ariza has incredible defense which could decide the series because Turkoglu has been very dangerous from 3 the whole playoffs! Turkoglu is a big reason why the magic are so dangerous especially from 3!

Pau Gasol vs Rashard Lewis
Rashard Lewis will have some trouble inside guarding Gasol BUT Rashard's shooting ability will force Pau to come out and guard him around the perimeter leaving Dwight Howard alone down low to dominate!

Kobe Bryant vs Courtney Lee
NAAAA! Courtney Lee has no chance!

Derek Fisher vs Rafer Alston
Rafer is much quicker then Fisher is, and Rafer is really streaky which will cuase big problems and substitutions sorry Fish haha..Fisher does have experience over Rafer though!

Bench: The Lakers have a big advantage on the bench with three point guards including Shannon Brown who has been playing great! The Magic have one potential threat off the bench in Michael Pietrus BUT..IF LAMAR ODOM COMES TO PLAY..IT'S OVER!


Imma Huge fan of Dwight and Hedo!
I've Been a Lakers fan since I first started watching the NBA!
After its all said and done the Lakers will come out on top!

Kila-V Predicts -
A hard fought series that can be ended quickly if Lamar Odom and Pau Gasol show up to play everynight!

LeaVe your Thoughts and your predictions for the last time & GO LAKERS!!!



  1. Agreed, except the magics point guard might be Jameer Nelson. Rumors are whirling that he might be comin back and play in the finals! His retrn could potentially have a huge impact (remember the magic swept the season series and in both games, jameer was the teams leading scorer!)on the outcome of the finals. But when it boils down to it, the lakers will have the best and most determined player, BY FAR, on the floor in every game (sorry HOWWWWARD) and I think Pau is much better than the magics second best player, be it lewis pergolu or jameer. In the end, Lakers in 6!

  2. The lakers have the entire matchup advantage. Kobe is too big for Courtney Lee, too fast for Turkoglu, too good for Pietrus, too agile for Lewis and he's gonna spend the ENTIRE series "hangin' off the rim with his dick in" Dwights face. Lamar Odom has a height advantage on both Turkoglu and Lewis, he can shoot the three as well as both of them on nights when hes hot, hes the definition of the X-factor and has exceptional lateral quickness for his size, he can not only guard Lewis and Turkoglu effectively but his mobility and length can cause problems for Dwight Howard, especially since Odom will be sharing the Howard load with several other defenders. George Karl calls Pau Gasol the best offensive rebounder in the game, he is extremely skilled for a big man and can shoot the jumper better than guys a foot shorter than him. He is a natural shot blocker and will always have the advantage on Howard since he'll always be fresher than Dwight because there are at least 4 other lakers that can effectively guard Dwight Howard. The Lakers go extremely deep at point guard with Shannon Brown, Derek Fisher, Jordan Farmar and occasionally Sasha Vujacic. Farmar is just as quick as Jameer Nelson, Vujacic can only be described by his nickname "the machine", Fisher has ten times as much playoff experience than anyone on the Magic and his thress are always critical and momentous, he is the definition of clutch, Shannon Brown and the rest of the Lakers point guards and shooting guards have the height and strength advantages on the weaker and smaller Courtney Lee and Jameer Nelson. Shannon Brown is extremely athletic and is a high energy player that can lead the offense as well as the defense. Kobe, I don't think I need to say anything more than that he is the best player in the NBA and the heir apparent. Bynum hasn't been very effective but, when matched on a tired or double teamed Dwight Howard he can be the disruptive force that turns a 1 point lead into a 10 point lead. The lakers quick Bigs and skilled guards fit perfectly into the pick and roll offense especially when its Howard who is being picked leaving the paint wide open. In terms of coaching, Phil Jackson is 43-0 when winning Game 1 in the NBA Finals, he is the 4th winnignest coach in NBA history, tied for the most all time championships (9) with Red Auerbach, he and his staff revolutionized offensive basketball with the developement and creation of the triangle offense and Phil also has more playoff wins than any other coach in the history of the NBA. and to add on to playoff experience Kobe and Derek Fisher have both won 3 championships Derek Fisher has played in over 140 playoff games, Kobe has 61 40 point games in playoffs (4th all time behind former Lakers Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Jerry West and also behind the great Michael Jordan). I'm picking the Lakers in 5.

  3. Nelson came back and was rusty as hell. i would not rely too much on his game till late in the series--if it makes it that far.

  4. i hate to say it ramsey, but i think the lakers might win it all. unless the magic can pull one out in game 2. idk tho cause the lakers are playing out of their mind right now.


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